Saturday, January 6, 2007

It's all down to you,

When I was in banking and I had a customer that had bounced checks my first question would always be "Have you balanced your checkbook?". Many times the answer was "no". Unfortunately that is becoming an all to familiar response. You are expected to balance your checkbook. If you want your banker to be on your side that is the first step. Why? Checking accounts are in constant change. Money goes out. Money comes in. Fees are deducted. Balancing is a way to put all the movement of money into one place and see where you are. I have had some half hearted attemps like checking balances on ATM machines or Online Banking. That is a step in the right direction, but what about that check you wrote yesterday? How about the automatic payment you forgot about. They haven't come in yet, so they aren't reflected in that balance. If you spend that money without considering your outstanding debits you are asking for trouble. This is why balancing is so important. Those outstanding debits that are floating around out there are taken into consideration and gives you the proper picture of you finances. The fee for bouncing a check can be significant. Don't give your money away needlessly.

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