Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Protecting Your Credit Score

I am finding it difficult to get loans approved and help people get the money they need to make things easier for themselves. What the problem is the situation that they are trying to improve is the thing keeping them from making it better. Credit scores are in a free fall. People don't understand that there are consequences from not taking there debt seriously. Point in case, I had a client that wanted a loan to move into a new place to stay. He only needed a few thousand to make the move. Unfortunately he had a disagreement with his cable company. They said he owed them money and he said he didn't. Guess what was on his credit report, a collection account for the cable bill. Guess what he didn't get, the loan to move into his new place. You can't just walk away from your bills. You need to deal with the issue and get it resolved. Likewise you need to make your payments on time. That shows up on your credit report as well. Some of your utility companies have taken to reporting to the credit agencies as well. If you have a dispute with a creditor, deal with it and get it resolved.