Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mortgage Maze Made Clear

Understanding mortgages can be like learning a foreign language, but with help from an expert you can understand and benefit from it. Please visit this site and be enlightened.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Safty Deposit Boxes

I think one of the best deals in banking is the Safety Deposit Box. For a relatively low annual fee you can put important papers or valuables in a box that requires you and a bank employee to be present to open the box. Generally these boxes are also in a vault so they are locked up twice. Bank locations are alarmed when the bank is closed. It would cost a fortune to install all the vaults and security equipment that comes along with a bank. At the current rate of residential break-ins keeping your most important possessions in a Safety Deposit Box is a wise choice. One of the draw backs of the boxes are their size. They come in a variety of sizes, but the largest I have seen is about the size of a file drawer. So you won't be able to put your snowmobile in one. Insurance papers, Trusts and jewelery are some common items. Be aware that you are not suppose to store cash or guns in these security boxes. You can't bring guns into a bank and the government doesn't want you to put cash in safety deposit boxes.