Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Automatic Payments

Many merchants want you to make your monthly payments via a process called ACH (automatic clearing house). You authorize the business from which you are purchasing a service or product to debit your checking or charge account automatically. How convenient. You don't have to remember to write the check and your payments are never late. There could be a catch, though. One catch is when you want to stop the payment. This usually occurs with services. Many times the automatic payment doesn't stop. You end up paying and paying. Trying to get satisfaction from the offending business may take an act of congress.You may have to go to your bank and fill out some forms to get your money back. That process could take up to six weeks, although, usually not. Banks are usually good about working with you if you have a legitamit complaint. If you have online banking with bill pay try setting up your bill pay to automatically send the payments. That way you maintain control of your automatic payments.

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